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Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Mark starts his historical biography of Jesus like this: “The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God” (Mark chapter 1 verse 1).
Jesus was called "Christ". That’s not a surname, it’s a title, meaning the King sent by God himself who would rule over everything for ever.
And he was called "the Son of God": God himself, come to live in his world as a human.
Now those are extraordinary things to claim! But Jesus proved he was the Christ and the Son of God by doing things only God can do:
He cured diseases with a touch.
He controlled storms with a word.
He even overcame death itself.
As he did these things, God’s King gave a glimpse of what life in his kingdom is like.
It’s a place ruled by love, with no more suffering, separation, fear or death: the kind of world we all want. A perfect world where people enjoy perfect life with a perfect King for ever.
Jesus’ actions prompted a reaction in everyone who met him.
Peter, who had known Jesus for years, told him: “You are the Christ” (Mark 8:29)
Later, a Roman soldier who had just met him realized: “This man was the Son of God!” (Mark 15:39).
But not everyone responded like they did...